Output, use and disadvantages of semiconductor laser

In this article, we learn about the output, use or advantages and disadvantages of semiconductor laser. In other articles, we have already discussed about the construction of semiconductor laser and working of semiconductor laser. Let us discuss the output, use and disadvantages of semiconductor laser:

Output of semiconductor laser: The output powers of about 10mW are achieved in continuous wave operation and in pulsed operation, the peak power runs to 100W. It has output wavelength from 8200 to 9000 angstroms. So the wavelength of semiconductor laser lies in the infrared region.

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Advantages/Applications: Semiconductor lasers are compact and have efficiency of about 50-60%. They can be used as sources for light wave communication systems. They  expected to find applications in optical radar equipment and space communications.

Disadvantages. It is difficult to control the mode pattern and mode structure of the semiconductor laser action due to small size of laser region that is junction region.

As in semiconductor, the laser emission occurs between two bands of energies instead of two well defined energy levels (like in He-Ne laser), thus the laser emission is not as monochromatic as that from a gas laser.

The above is the information about output, use or advantages and disadvantages of semiconductor laser.


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