Q : Why honey is not expired? Answer: If you know that it is difficult for bacteria to grow in high sugar content region and
Paradox means confusion and meaning of twins you know. This is related with the concept of time dilation in relativity. Suppose there are twins A
Q 4: Why is flash of lightening seen before the sound of the cloud thunder? Answer: If you know that nothing can travel faster than
Q: Why does a liquid remain hot or cold for a long time inside a thermos flask? Answer: Do you know that thermos flask has
Dear friends, If we understand the basic theory of the semiconductor, then we know that semiconductors has holes and electrons. But question here arises what
You must have seen that an object like pen bends in water! Do you know why? Let us discuss: Every object has refractive index. Oh,
To write a research paper is not a simple thing but at the same time it is also not a difficult process. But it is
In ferroelectric materials, the polarization P does not vary linearly with electric field E. Hysteresis curve: The plot of P versus E in which the
The four types of polarization which occur in dielectrics are: (I) Electronic polarization, (II) Ionic polarization, (III) Orientation or dipole polarization, (IV) Space charge or
Hello Friends, Last time I have discussed holography and written that it is a two-stage process. The first stage is the recording of the hologram