SRM University Results 2011
Sri Ramaswamy Memorial (SRM) University has declared the examination result of B.Tech, B.Arch, M.Tech, MCA November / December 2010.
To see result visit:
Science Articles for Winners
Sri Ramaswamy Memorial (SRM) University has declared the examination result of B.Tech, B.Arch, M.Tech, MCA November / December 2010.
To see result visit:
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Those were the great days when plenty of amateurs could spare time for cricket.
In SRM University (Ramapuram Campus) In Btech Final year examnination December 2015 Porject work Results are different in each group exam. How it is possible? In same group all the Students were worked and submitted the project. But the results (GRADES) are in different for indiviudals. EXample: One Student was got A-, others getting C, C and C. But Revaluation is cannot possible for project work. So the university issuing the grades in its own way. 2. In the Other group two Students were got the grades B-, other 2 students were got C grade. How it is possible? What a different? We donot know the what is the reason behind in this Result? moral: THE SRM UNIVERSITY IS ALSO SHOWS THE PARCIALITY TO STUDENTS TO STUDENTS