8 Advantages of alternating current over direct current
We all are aware of the concept of alternating current commonly known as AC and direct current commonly known as DC. There are certain differences between the two and also there are advantages and disadvantages or drawbacks of ac over dc. I will discuss the advantages in this article and the disadvantages in the next article. Let us discuss them one by one.
Basic Definition of Alternating current or what is Alternating Current:
As the name suggests, alternating current or AC means which reverses its direction after a certain interval of time or periodically. Our home appliances run on AC.

Basic Definition of Direct current or what is Direct Current:
As the name suggests, in simple terms, in direct current the current flow in a single direction or is not variable. Battery run on DC.

Advantages of ac over dc:
- We all know that we got ac supply in our homes and we got this supply by transmitting ac over long distances. AC can be transmitted using step up transformers but direct current or dc can not be transmitted by this method.
- The ac is easy to generate than dc.
- It is cheaper to generate ac than dc.
- The ac generators have higher efficiency than dc.
- The loss of energy during transmission is negligible for ac.
- The ac can be easily converted into dc.
- The variation of ac can easily be done using transformers either step up or step down.
- The value or magnitude of ac can be decreased easily without loss of excess of energy. This can be done by using choke coil.
These are the 8 advantages of ac over dc. There are disadvantages of ac over dc also. If you know more advantages of AC over DC, please mention it in the comment section.
AC current give shock but DC current don’t. So AC current is ssfe as compared to dc. This is the another advantage of ac over dc.
You are wrong… Shock depends on Voltage… so 220 Volt DC will give equal or worse shock than 220 Volt AC
Thanks for valuable information.
AC current give shock but DC current don’t. So AC current is safe as compared to dc. This is the another advantage of ac over dc.
DC current shock is very dangerous than ac current
Select any topic from our Circuit Theory II course topics (eg, AC Analysis, Three Phase Circuits, Frequency Response Analysis, Magnetic Coupling Circuits or any topic defined in the Syllabus) to discuss its area of use, purpose of its usage, advantages and disadvantages in that field. Theoretically analyze any circuit model that can be used in that area. By using any design program such as Proteus (or any other such as circuit maker, pspice / orcad, matlab / simulink, etc.) get the same outputs and compare your results that is obtained from the theoretical one. Provide us shematics as well.
the advantages of ac over dc does not have a lot of information for a project or task.