Reflection and Transmission Hologram
Hello Friends,
In one of my articles, I have discussed holograms, how a hologram is made and what is holography? Today, we will discuss two types of the hologram, a) Reflection Hologram b)Transmission Hologram. Let us discuss them one by one:
Reflection hologram:
If recording material in the hologram is placed such that reference beam and object beam approach it from two opposite sides, then hologram formed is called Reflection Type hologram. The interference fringes are usually parallel to the surfaces of the recording medium. When such a hologram is reconstructed, then the reference beam and object beam lie on the same side of the hologram.

Transmission hologram:
If the recording material in the hologram is arranged such that the reference beam, as well as the object beam, approaches it from the same side, then the hologram formed is called Transmission Hologram. The interference fringes are generally perpendicular to the surfaces of the recording material. When such a hologram is reconstructed, then reference and object beam lie on opposite sides of the hologram.
I hope so, you have understood the types of holograms. Please go through the article related to the recording and reconstruction process of holograms also to understand the complete process of hologram and holography.