Semiconductors: Semiconductors are the materials whose conductivity lies between insulator and conductors. Their conductivity lies in between insulator and conductors because of the energy band
In the last article, I have discussed about the conductors, semiconductors and insulators. Today I will discuss why insulators do not conduct electricity or why
Energy band or energy band gap in solids is defined as the energy gap between the top of the valence band and bottom of the
Solid Solid is one of the four forms of matter. Solid does not flow like liquids but all the solids possess the property of elasticity
Last time I have discussed the few characteristics or properties of transverse electric and magnetic waves in parallel planes. Let us discuss more properties of
The characteristics or properties of transverse electric (TE) and transverse magnetic (TM) in parallel planes or plates waves can be studied with the help of
DEFINITION TRANSVERSE MAGNETIC (TM) WAVES OR E WAVES : In this case, the component of magnetic field vector H lies in the plane transverse to
DEFINITION TRANSVERSE ELECTRIC (TE) WAVES OR H WAVES IN PARALLEL PLANES: In the case, the component of electric field vector E lies in the plane
Let us discuss how waves propagate through parallel planes and derive the necessary relation of transverse electric and magnetic waves: Assumptions : (a) Pair of
We all know that it is impossible to graduate from high school if a student does not even know how to properly compose an essay.