
Non polar dielectrics

In the last article, I have discussed the dielectrics and polar dielectrics. Today let us discuss the non-polar dielectrics: Non-polar Dielectrics or Molecules.  If  the 


Dielectrics and their types

DIELECTRICS Dielectrics are the materials which do not contain free charges for conduction. Thus, dielectrics are basically insulators as insulators do not conduct electricity through



CHARGE DISTRIBUTIONS There are three types of charge distributions : a) Linear Charge Distribution. In this distribution the charge is distributed uniformly along a line


RADIAN AND STERADIAN: Radian: The radian is the measure of a plane angle. One radian is defined as a plane angle with its vertex at


Integral Theorems

INTEGRAL THEOREMS Gauss’s Divergence Theorem: Statement. It states that the volume integral of the divergence of a vector  field A, taken over  any volume, V

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