Story of Types of Forces
Dear Friends,
Last time we have discussed the story of force and its effects. Today we will discuss types of forces. Let’s begin,
The five friends A, B, C, D, and E asked the sixth friend F that is force, Hey friend force, you have explained the meaning of yours and also your effects means the story of force and its effects. But can you explain
- Which type of force is acting on football when we kick the ball?
- Why football stop automatically after kicking and after moving and rolling for some time?
- Why football came back from air to ground again?
All 5 asked, we have so many queries, please explain.
The friend force F explains, dear friends, I will answer all your queries one by one. Do you know I have 2 more siblings or types? The name of the first one is the Contact force and the name of the second one is a non-contact force.
First let me explain about contact forces: As you have asked about what type of force is acting on the football when you kicked the same. Here your body means your foot is in contact with the football. So, these types of forces where the two bodies are in contact with each other are known as contact forces.
A) There are following types of contact forces:
1. Muscular force: like you are kicking the ball, so you are using muscles of the body. These types of contact forces are known as muscular forces.

2. Frictional force: your second query was why football stops automatically after kicking and after moving and rolling for some time? This is due to the force of friction. This is the force acted by the ground in opposite direction to the movement of the ball. Here again ground and football are in contact so these are contact forces. Similarly, if you stop pedaling a bicycle, it will stop automatically after some time. Thus due to friction that is opposing force, the state of motion of objects changed. Thus, the second type of Contact Force is Frictional Force.
Now there are types of forces where the two bodies are not in contact with each other are known as non-contact forces.
B) Now let us discuss about Non-Contact Forces:
- Gravitational Force: Now dear friends, come to your third query that is Why does football come back from air to the ground again? This is due to the force of gravity or gravitational force. You must have heard about the story of great Scientist Newton and apple. He concluded that Apple has fallen due to the force of gravity. Similarly, football came back from air to ground again? This is known as the force of gravity. Similarly, if you through up anything in the air, it will come back towards earth due to the force of gravity. Here the earth is pulling down the ball without touching the objects. Similarly, every object in the universe interacts or exerts a force on another object, and then this type of force is known as Gravitational force. So these types of forces are Non-contact forces. There are two more non-contact forces. Can you tell?

2. Friend A told spontaneously that, yes a magnet can attract another magnet or iron pieces without touching it. Force F told, very Good my dear friend, this type of force is known as magnetic force.

3. You may have observed that when you comb in dry hair if you place the comb near a small piece of papers, then papers got attracted towards the comb. These are due to charges. Similarly, charges can attract and repel each other without touching each other. These are known as Electrostatic forces.

So dear friends, I hope you must have learned about my two types and further three types. Let’s revise. So Friend A, what are the two types of Forces? Friend A told that two types of forces:
- Contact forces
- Non contact forces
Very good, Friend B, please tell me about types of contact forces. B told that there are two types of Contact forces:
Contact Forces: a) Muscular Force and b) Frictional Force
Wow, that’s great now friends C, D, and E tell me three types of non-contact forces. All three told the following respectively:
Non Contact forces: a) Gravitational force, b) Magnetic force and c) Electrostatic force.
Excellent, Force F appreciated everyone and told that you all have understood the meaning of force and its types. Do you? Please post in the comments section. Thanks.